Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Mission B2 - countdown commences

I can't help myself but post a little update.

After an astonishingly difficult journey to produce B1, in October 2014 we transferred a single embryo (frozen), got pregnant (again...) and now find ourselves at 14 weeks, 4 days and seemingly having a complete breeze on mission B2.

I can't believe it most of the time. I've definitely let myself start to enjoy this pregnancy a lot earlier than the last. I do find myself saying "if we have a baby in July...", but more and more it seems B2, due 4 July 2015, will be a reality.

B1 is now 15 months old and about as adorable as little people get. I get a good night's sleep most days (more important than I could I have believed). Life has a lot more moments where my heart is fit to burst with cuteness, joy and love than times where I feel ready to erupt with frustration (small people can be astonishingly opinionated).

The thought of B2 joining our little family fills me with excitement and fear. The days when B1 is sick and cranky I find myself thinking "what have I done!". But these days pass and then my mind remembers the sweetness of cuddling a newborn and how relatively easy they are take places, if you aren't exhausted from all the night time feeds.

Obstetrics wise we aren't sure yet whether the delivery of B2 will be complicated like B1. We are just progressing through our appointments and seeing what happens. My greatest concern is the undiagnosed focal placenta accreta we had last time. It is apparently very difficult to detect, especially when the placenta is on the back wall of the uterus, which apparently mine is again. I dream of having a simple, normal birth. In reality I'm pretty sure we will end up needing to lock in a c-section again. All these decisions will be made in time.

For now I will enjoy thinking about our new addition. Anticipating feeling those first movement of the little baby in my belly. And of course the crazy pregnancy dreams, like the triplets I had last night...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Big Mumma,

    Wow! What an incredible journey you've been on!
    So glad you finally got your precious son to hold in your arms and now another baby on the way - hopefully this time everything progresses the way it should.

    I myself have no fertility issues although had an ectopic back in '98 at 16 years old. It was always in the back of my mind it could happen again. I longed for a baby and my aim was to have one before 30, but that was proving difficult with no serious long-term relationship.

    Anyway, I finally met someone and fell pregnant. My little girl was born 18th October 2013 @ 32 weeks, just before my 31st birthday. And like you, I'm pregnant again and due in June.

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    Laundry Girl :)
